Accident & Incident Investigation
Working in Bristol and the South West, Safety Synergy can provide you with a responsive investigation service, gathering facts about the incident, looking at the immediate and underlying causes, and identifying where improvements can be made to reduce the likelihood of similar accidents/incidents happening again.
Having an effective and professional investigation will help protect your business in the event of personal injury claims or enforcement action. It will also demonstrate to your staff that you take their health and safety seriously.
Safety Synergy consultants have experience of a wide range of investigation techniques, and will be able to advise you of any weaknesses in your health and safety management system which may have contributed to the incident. During our investigation we will inspect the site of the incident, record evidence, take witness statements and interview injured persons.
We will complete the investigation and prepare a professional accident investigation report identifying our view of the immediate and underlying causes of the incident as well as prioritised recommendations for further action.