The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has published fire safety management guidance for all businesses during the Covid-19 period including FAQs. Read on to find out 10 essential actions to take now.

There are 10 essential actions that all businesses must take now:

1. Review your fire risk assessment to ensure it is suitable and sufficient.
2. Assess the risk of arson, particularly if your premises are closed or only partly occupied.
3. Liaise with other building occupiers and/or your building management team if you are in ashared occupancy premises, and agree a fire action plan which works for everyone.
4. Keep fire doors closed. If your social distancing measures mean some doors will be kept open, consider using electromagnetic door holdbacks. If you do prop doors open, ensure someone is responsible for closing them at the end of each day or if there is a fire evacuation.
5. Maintain and test your fire detection and alarm system.
6. Provide fire safety training/induction to new or temporary staff when they start work.
7. Check that you have sufficient fire warden cover, and train additional wardens if necessary to cover absence or reduced staffing.
8. If you need to change your fire escape route e.g. because parts of your normal route are closed off, ensure the new route is clearly signed and all staff are informed.
9. Review the frequency and type of fire drills. Assess the current situation, social distancing requirements, the familiarity of occupants and the last fire drill. Consider alternatives if necessary such as desktop or walk-through fire drills for new staff.
10. Review your Assembly Point arrangements taking into account social distancing measures and maintaining hygiene.

Click here to read the NFCC guidance for businesses in full.




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